Back in December I wrote a piece about a "104 pound coyote" that was shot and killed in Missouri, noting that I did not believe "for a minute" that this animal was 100-percent coyote despite genetic testing that had allegedly been done by the Missouri Department of Conservation.
Now comes the truth.
After a second round of DNA testing, the evidence is in: the animal is a wild wolf that came down from Minnesota, Michigan or Wisconin, where the wolf populations are estimated to be (respectively), 3,000, 700, and 600 animals. Wolves, especially males, will often travel hundreds of miled to establish new territories, and the wolf populations in the northern Midwest are far larger than those in the Rocky Mountains.
Huh. Maybe my neighbour's Rottweiler/Akita results from her doggy DNA test were wrong after all. I told her the dog was a shih tzu...
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