Friday, April 01, 2011

Get Your Lap Giraffe at Terrierman.Com

Unlike other web sites that take payola, pump products take advertising, we at  have always maintained a policy of scrupulous cash-register honesty.

Until now.

After taking a look at the new Petite Lap Giraffes that have been developed by Viktor Kragan in Russia, and after also taking a look at our checking account balance his impeccable breeding progam designed to make sure every Petite Lap Giraffe is healthy, we have decided to take the cash as a travel voucher tell you a little more about them.

To say these animals have taken the world by storm does not begin to tell the tale. Viktor himself has been catapulted to fame and is now featured in ads along with the giraffes (see below).

What most people don't know is that there are only eight of these animals in the world right now, and there is only one breeder: Viktor Kragan's Sokoblovsky Farms.

The good news is that, thanks to our exclusive arrangement with Viktor Kragan and Sokoblovsky Farms, we will be acting as Agents of Record for the first two four TEN Lap Giraffes to be born in 2011-2012, and with every purchase we have arranged for your calf to become an official part of the Foundation Stock for the new Petite Lap Giraffe Club of America (PLGCA).

You can learn more about the exciting world of Lap Giraffes at our affiliate web site, Sokoblovsky Farms, still the best breeder of Petite Lap Giraffes in the world.

Please visit Sokoblovsky Farms today and check out the Giraffe-Cam as we wait for the Cow Svetlana to give birth!

And yes, we ship to Lagos, Nigeria as well as Los Angeles, New York, London, Chicago, Paris, St. Louis, and St. Barts.


  1. Yap, Happy April 1st :).

  2. That actor, Timothy.... who was also recently on Criminal Minds, is so good looking.


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