Saturday, April 09, 2011

Ditto Heads Fail to Use Google... Again

A Cut-and-Paste Person on Facebook:
Mr. President, I hear you would like to freeze pay rates for soldiers starting next year. Would you also consider cutting your own pay to save more money for our country? While you're at it, lets cut down all congressman's pay too. If the people who risk their lives don't get an increase in pay, why should we continue raising pay for those who take no risks and reap the benefits? REPOST if you support troops.

My Response:
Why? It's not even true!

A Cut-and-Paste Person on Facebook:
That's not we heard on the Richmond news last night. My husband is a Vietnam Veterans and has had to fight over there get shot five times die 3 times come back and has been fighting for treatment etc ever since. Do think we believe the president and politicians. Hell no.

My Response:

Hate and fear are religions with some people, and religion is immune to fact, but if you bothered to Google you would find that the Obama Administration has actually put in for a raise equal to the CPI. The CPI is the consumer price index, which means inflation. But see >>

or ANY news source. "

As for "fighting for treatment," surely you know that has NOTHING to do with military pay? That's the Veterans' Administration which was left a basketcase by George Bush and John McCain. Again, this is well documented. See

Obama has actually increased funding and services to the Veterans Administration. See >>

Will you say "thank you" about that?

No, probably not, because hate and fear are immune to logic or information. Some things represent the ugliest parts of America.

I do not know what your husband thought he was fighting for in Vietnam, but I bet it was not to spread hate. I bet it was not to spread lies, misinformation and propaganda.

Now you want the military to get more pay? Great! How much of those tax increases can we put you down for?

And the cherry on top? This person is raising this issue even as the Republicans in Congress are threatening to shut down the government which actually would have delayed payment to the troops.  No mention of that, of course, and no mention that Obama worked tirelessly (and successfully) to get the troops paid.

And here's the most amazing part:  He wanted the white ones to get paid too, not just the black ones. Talk about being broad-minded!

Next that Barack Obama fellow is going to do something really crazy radical -- like try to protect Social Security and Medicare  for all those people who fought and served in both military and civilian capacities during World War II, Korea, Vietnam, and Desert Storm.  And he's going to help your mom and dad too! 

And you know why?  Because that's the way they do things in Kansas Hawaii Chicago Washington Kenya.


  1. Is it any surprise that since Donald Trump started spouting the birther nonsense that he's 2nd behind Mitt Romney in Republican polls and 1st for the Tea Baggers?

    It's not hard to dupe the American people sadly.

    These are the same people that are happy to vote against their very self interests once candidates bring up the abortion or gay marriage issues. Can't be having any of that, but sure tax me more and let the rich people and corporations pay nothing.

    It's mind boggling and scary.

  2. I admire your stick-to-it-ness in making these sorts of replies. It's a frustrating endeavor, and I've wasted much life energy doing the same through the years, and almost resent the time wasted. Usually no minds are opened, changed or even slightly broadened. I doff my chapeau to you.


  3. The question WHY here was a clue for the person to do some research... and some introspection.

    Of course neither was done.


    This is the worst that America has to offer, not the best, and sadly it is all too common.

  4. What??!!? You mean you think people should look stuff up and think for themselves and draw their own conclusions instead of following along with the herd?

    Jeez, Mr. Burns - you sure do expect alot out of humans!



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