Saturday, March 19, 2011

Tougher Than He Looks


  1. No source, unknown artist?

  2. Don's know -- something on my hard drive. Sometimes I can find out where I got it by using

  3. Cool site. Thanks.

  4. Reminds me of something that occured Feb, 2010. I had a severe asthma attack and called 911. PD and EMTs came and were trying to get me on the gurney. My 8 in,14 lb Jack was not letting them take me without objection. He tore an EMT pantleg and the PD officer, who was the K9 cop (sheer luck) was able to get him away. All I remember was the officer pushing him back with his boots and a yelp. I woke up 28 hrs later in the ER. Later I called the nice policeman and thanked him. 'No problem. Insistent little guy, left a mark on my boot with his teeth.' These Jacks are indeed tougher and more faithful than he looks.

    Debi and the brave TX JRTs.

  5. Glad that's a story with a happy ending!

  6. I know! I recently read a story where a policeman shot a chihuahua for biting him on the hand. Our police know me as the gal with the two little white dogs that walk everywhere. I kinda think that's why the K9 cop came on the call.

    Very relieved and much healthier Debi and the TX JRTs.


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