Information on working terriers, dogs, natural history, hunting, and the environment, with occasional political commentary as I see fit. This web log is associated with the web site.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Hell Freezes Over
I always figured hell would freeze over before I heard something good coming out of Crufts as far as Clumber Spaniels was concerned.
Well guess what? Hell has frozen over.
Full applause here, not only for the breeder (and the judge!) but also for Jemima Harrison for featuring it on her blog.
Read the rest of the article too, as you will learn a little about coefficients of inbreeding in Flat-coated Retrievers and (perhaps) a bit of good news as far as the new Kennel Club "Mate Select" software is concerned. Good news is rare enough, but two in one day? Where are my skates?
UPDATE: Well, I never did find my ice skates, which is just as well as it turns out the ice is pretty thin. Look at these pictures of the Neopolitan Mastiff class. Did you ever see a dog that is more of a walking disaster, with cherry eye, skin sloughing off left, right and center, blocked vision, and a head so heavy and ponderous it is well and truly a "mutant on parade" fit only for a Harry Potter movie? The dog is a complete put up job too, created right after Mussolini's demise for the sole purpose of giving Italy a dog of its own. This is a dog without a purpose and without health. Like the English Bulldog, it is a national embarassment.
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- The Management
Glad to see you coming back to the site. :O)
ReplyDeleteI saw this post on Jemima's blog and immediately knew you would have commented on it.
The difference between the two is stark. Not only that, but a clumber with a tail!
I'm just on the edge of my seat waiting to see how Fiona does!
I cannot imagine working to create a "national" dog and feeling proud to be represented by this hideous beast. Truly a disgrace of humans foisting suffering upon animals.
ReplyDeleteI read the blog entry and the comments regarding the Clumber bitch. Do you have any opinion on whether that dog's youth is what is giving her a lighter, less-coated appearance? The commenter said she was just "days out of puppy", with the statement indicating that time would heavy her up and allow her coat to come in similarly to the other dog shown. Makes sense, if she is that young, but I don't know much about this breed. Perhaps the judge was taking the opportunity to make a point about appearance in hopes breeders might take the hint? If so, I'd hope breeders would attempt to lighten up coat and build and not just be certain to enter very young dogs.