Monday, March 14, 2011

The Dogs Today App for the I-Pad

My brother and I got our folks an I-Pad earlier this year, and now the ever-helpful folks at Dogs Today tell me they now have an I-PAD "app" or application for e-subscribers (it also works with the  iPhone, and the iPod touch). 

The app only costs 99 cents and it comes with one free edition at that price, so folks can "try before they buy."  Check it out!
We think this is the best dog magazine in the world! 20 years of helping people find and train the ideal dog and live life together to the full.

More to read than other less passionate, formulaic dog mags. Award-winning, tackling serious issues head-on, imaginative problem-solving for our readers, but still finding time to have lots of fun. Gorgeous photography and illustration, top writers and lots of ways you can get involved and possibly see your dog in the mag! Friendly, inclusive, mould-breaking, campaigning. Produced by a tiny independent publishing team that loves dogs as much as you do. Heroic dogs, amazing inspirational stories, beautiful dogs.

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