Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Coffee and Provocation

Biggest Fox in the U.K.?
It's 26 pounds and four feet long and described as "twice the normal size of the species" which is actually right (it's always a bit of a shock when a newspaper gets critter size right!).  A bit of forced perspective in the picture though!

The Chinese Army Is Enlisting 10,000 Pigeons:
China's army is training 10,000 messenger pigeons to serve in the event of a breakdown in mass communication systems

Foxes Use Earth's Magnetic Field to Hunt?
I'm not sure I believe this, but someone says fox use magnetic fields to determine which way to pounce if they cannot see the quarry.

Spear Hunting Is Soon To Be Legal in Montana?
The only way real Montana men hunt grizzly and cougar is barefoot, with a sharpened stick and a loin cloth.

Competitive Hole Digging:
Here's how they do it in Japan.  Here's how we would do it in the U.S.

The Limits of Tolerance:
NPR has decided that it's sick and tired of trolls and spam, and so it has disabled comments until people have registered and gone through a vetting process.  Here and Terrierman, we kill all zombies, trolls and time-wasters.


  1. I read the comments for the article and said how stupid these people are.
    Itried to find Odetta's verision but Burl Ives will do

  2. The rest of the postings with my coffee.
    Pigeons? Though serious this other article is funny http://www.metro.co.uk/news/world/517453-man-caught-with-pigeons-in-his-trousers
    Spear hunting well it is from Flathead, MT (the state not the text word)
    Digging? what about the snowball throwing competition in Alaska?
    Agreed no trolls.

  3. If NPR is 100% federally de-funded as the GOP appears to want to do, I'll bet the anti-troll measures go by the wayside in the effort to stay afloat.



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