Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Spark of Hope


This is how countries are made... and how they fell apart.

I am pretty sure they have already opened up a file on this kid.

I think his name is Barnaby, and he is 15 years old.

Not sure what he is protesting, but it hardly matters as the core message is universal and hopeful. 

It's also a word of caution:  maybe kettling protestors only makes them stronger.  What an opportunity to organize!


  1. What a brilliant, obviously extemporaneous speech. Was this in regard to the tuition increases in Britain? In any case, you're exactly right, this kid gives a bit of hope for the future; I wonder when we'll see him next, because we will. And yes, "kettling" protesters together only makes it easier for them to network, face to face. At least when Nixon sent his thugs in the object was dispersal.


  2. It might be this :

  3. LOL @ Yardy.

    Read the instructions on the blog, mate. I don't take orders, and I write about what I want, and do I as I please, as we all tend to do here in the Land of the Free, the big bore rifle, and the First Amendment. ;)

    Of course, we became the Land of the Free by kicking out the British didn't we? Good thing too (we still love you, let me hasten to add).

    You see, you folks over there lost your right to the gun because you would not stand up for it, and you lost your write to free speech because you would not stand up for it.

    Are you opposed to the right to free association and protest?

    What did you have to say during the Countryside March, then? Or were you OK with losing the right to hunt too? I bet not!

    You see, if you allow people to push you around, then you are a push over. There is a place to push back. And this young lad gets it. I am not saluting his politics (I hardly care what they are), but I am saluting not only his paricipation, but his enthusiasm for getting his hands dirty in the process. You might think he makes for a poor Briton, but I will yell you that he would make a fine American, and a terrific hunt supporter if we could convince him of the common sense of our ways. The fire of desire is a good thing to see in a pup, human or canine, and we should not be quick to crush it.



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