Monday, December 06, 2010

Sarah Palin Shows Her Colors

For her BIG HUNT on national TV, Sarah Palin was true to form, decked out in ALL NEW hunting gear, fresh from the Cabela's catalogue.


What was amazing, was what we saw on TV:

  • Sarah Palin didn't bring her own rifle to the hunt. Hmmm....
  • Sarah Palin wondered whether the rifle kicked, revealing she had never shot a single bullet out of this gun in her entire life.  Hmmmmm.
  • Sarah Palin apparently didn't sight in the rifle beforehand, and neither did anyone else with her.  Hmmmm.
  • Sarah Palin did not chamber her own rounds because she apparently didn't know how to load the rifle.  Hmmmmmm.
  • Sarah Palin shoots five times and misses.  Not misses the shoulder of the beast.  Not misses the heart or lungs of the beast.  She missed the whole damn animal which is standing broadside!  Hmmmmmm

After finally killing the small Caribou, she quotes none other than Ted Nugent, who is in the process of being banned from hunting in 36 states for shooting over bait.

Wow.   Just wow.

Anyone think this woman has ever hunted anything before?

Anyone want to go out in the woods with this lady while she is holding a loaded gun? 

Not me! 

Of course, the explanation from the Rabid Right is that the scope was knocked far out of alignment and no one noticed. 

OK.  But explain the rest.... no gun of her own.... a gun she had never fired (not even once) before... and an inability to load a bolt action rifle. 

Could it be (just maybe?), that Palin's hunting prowess is a complete fiction?

It sure would explain all the new clothes!


  1. Sarah Palin seems to be the poster girl for conservatives but I have a huge issue with her environmental policies or lack thereof. Alaska was the great northern frontier but she/they seem to be running as fast as they can towards screwing up their wilderness like the lower 48. I'm sorry, but allowing hunting by airplane with a high powered rifle is nothing but murder and the poisoning of wolves in their dens is genocide. I fear for our game animals if she were in charge of anything. That's not even touching on the subject of BLM Mustangs and donkeys.

    I'm not a tree hugger, my family does hunt, but there should be more sport involved putting the hunter on a closer level with the game. Not chasing them down from the air.

    Debi and the concerned TX JRTs.

  2. Many, many years ago when I was shooting Rifle in high school (yes, kids, we had guns in school in PA, and they were supplied by the school district), we were taught to use our 2nd finger to squeeze the trigger because the first finger was too likely to jerk, throwing the aim off.

    Either hunting out in the open is sufficiently different, or that's another missed lesson.

    And why did the caribou just stand there between shots?

  3. Maybe she should go on a hunting trip with Dick Cheney?

  4. Intriguing.

    Wasn't part of her vice-president campaign something about some kind of moose-hunting prowness?

  5. Can't talk straight, can't shoot straight.
    Now, did she get the outfit from the women's section of Cabela's or did someguy pull the small sizes off the men's rack and say, "Here. try these on."

  6. Could be, but who can really tell with reality shows? They are all contrived and on a tight schedule with product placements. Ted Nugent was recently fined by the state of Calif. for baiting a deer on his show and not having a proper permit. Fish & Game nabbed them after watching the show.
    These production companies don't want to pay a crew to hang around waiting for things to happen so they create the situations they want. I saw a show called "Mantracker" the other day -with film crews following both chased and hunted. Heck, they left a swath! Reality shows are a waste of time.
    Monty Python had a great sketch once where they had "live coverage" of Thomas Hardy writing a new novel. Took him all day to come up with the opening sentence of Tess of the D'Urbervilles. That's more like reality than most of these silly shows.
    That nouveau riche couple who crashed a state dinner and parlayed it into a reality show - fake polo! Everyone is faking it.
    The real news would be a reality show where they aren't faking.

  7. Apparently the flights they chartered for that hunt cost about 42,000 dollars. She is not only pretending to be a hunter, but she is pretending to feed her family by hunting that caribou, when she probably could have fed them for at least a couple of years for that much.

    She may have been hunting out of season and without a license as well.

  8. How disturbing. I was taught that you must make a gun the extension of your body. The rifle shoulders readily and is comfortable to view through the scope. In other words, It becomes instinctive to use. Anything less is incompetence. When I'm hunting. My guns will be sighted in and ready, as well as me being in the proper physical condition.

  9. Well, to quote myself from another thread here: "I wonder if Sarah Palin could release her dog from a Conibear trap? I saw about ten minutes of her ridiculous program "Sarah Palin's Alaska" tonight and she sure didn't know much about shooting."

    Now, I don't know much about hunting or shooting, but I knew enough to know SHE looked ridiculous. Though I noticed nearly all of your points, I confess to missing the new clothes. I'll bet she didn't pay for those, either!

    Seahorse ;)

  10. Bartimeeus, I would be VERY surprised if Palin did not have a hunting license as claimed by one blog. The blog making that claim makes a lot of mistakes in its reporting, so it's a bit hard to salute the "no hunting licence claim" which does not seem well supported. The simple fact, easy to check, is that there are nearly a million caribou in Alaska, in 32 herds, and over 20,000 a year are shot.

    That said, there is so much about Palin that is off-the-wall and unbelievable ($150,000 for clothes??), that almost anything is possible.


  11. JL

    You had guns in School? I bet you didn't have any snipers, students or otherwise. I can see your instructor handing out rifles to the class during an 'episode of violence in our schools' and instructing how to stalk down the hallways. Okay, kids. He took out Mrs McGillicudy, a football player and somebody's sister. Let's take care of business and save the state some money.

    Bad Debi and the Tx JRTs.

  12. Patrick,
    Yeah, that's why I said "may have been". Although she has apparently managed to get off with fishing without a license a couple of times.
    I wonder if her status as former governor and the perceived advertising value to the state is letting her get away with things that would get the rest of us in a lot of trouble? I admit I don't have hard evidence, but it would not surprise me either.

  13. Bad Debi, yes, we didn't have many discipline problems in our school. I emailed my rifle coach several years after the school shootings around the country, and he said they still had the rifle team in place. In other parts of PA the first day of deer season is often a school holiday since the older kids and much of the staff is going to be gone anyway.

  14. When I was in highschool in the 70's, some fellows came to school with rifles in their hunting racks and no one worried about it. It's hunting season! Now, kids are expelled for bringing a butter knife with lunch. When my husband worked at Lockheed, they had an employee shooting range on a campus with over 3,000 employees and nobody went postal. Ah, the good ole days.

  15. Yes, one should keeps her finger off the trigger until ready to fire. I am a Marine (though no longer serving) and that is a huge mistake and she missed many times. However, I have hunted with many an old timer who hunted his whole life who was guilty of these two sins.

    The truly telling things for me are the the questions "does it kick?" and "should I shoot him now, dad?" This is someone who has simply not spent time in pursuit of animals or even observing them. She holds that gun like a cheerleader throws a football. Totally out of her element.

    People claim that supporters project their hopes for a good leader on Obama and that may be true, but Obama's supporters surely are not alone in this.

  16. Jimmy Kimmel did a piece on this last night. Also wondering about her hunting prowess. Also the supposed kill shot... he noticed that you didn't really see it. Camera focused on the caribou and then someone shot it, probably not her. It was pretty funny.

    I think Sarah Palin is a figment of her imagination.

  17. well being from England i can only comment on what i see on the internet and the news

    SHE IS HOT !!!!!


  18. Just a few notes.

    First, I don't hunt. Not willingly. Have I? Yes. Didn't like, don't want to do it again. To this day, I'll go with the guys, but I only carry a gun for safety (and then only when we are actively traveling). I'm a damn good shot, too. Trained my retriever as a damn good hunting dog, which is why we kept going.

    However, I've never taken a rifle in my hands that I planned on using that I haven't loaded myself, checked the sight, and fired a few times just to make sure that everything was good (the exception is emergency bear alert when we're way up in the north).

    We had a target set up against several rows of trees, and had a good thick layer of wood on the front of some round bales with several targets on it.

    Only took a few minutes, and the last thing you want to do have your gun misfire - especially in my case when I'm only carrying it for emergencies!

    As for the rifle training in school, I believe that's a great thing to teach children. It's also a great time to use some rubber bullets and some rigged guns to show them what can happen if you're not careful or don't know what to happen. Or to instruct them on the laws surrounding guns and gun ownership and what you are liable for if something happens.

    There was a GREAT episode of mythbusters where they were trying to debunk the video games = violence hypothesis. So they took a young gaming addict (think he was maybe 14 or 15?) and put him through a series of tests.

    The last test involved taking him to a firing range and allowing him to fire a small rifle. He shot it once, and within 20 minutes the kid was in tears. His mother was present for the entire thing, and was actually glad he went through the experience.

    As far as the Sarah Palin show, what I found REALLY was telling to me was what her father said throughout the episode. When they did the pretaping of him getting ready for the trip, he never once referred to her as "Sarah" or "my daughter." Every time he used the title "Sarah Palin"

    When she flew off the campsite back to the larger airfield and then had to say goodbye to her father her father said "I want to thank you for letting me get to know you again"

    When her father picked out the gun for her, he said it was the one for her because it "didn't kick". Personally, I always ask the same question when we're target practicing - I don't own a gun.

    If we showed up at the hunting area and my stepfather handed me a rifle, I would assume the scope had been tested.

  19. Comment Part2:

    If my daughter had been avoiding me for three years (or more) I would be reloading her gun for her too, as well as warning her that this gun has a different kick.

    Now, do I believe that this woman is the master hunter she claims? Hells no.

    Could I possibly buy this particular situation as potentially more truth than fiction? Yeah, I think I could - and I love to make fun of Sarah Palin at any available opportunity.

    And the Ted Nugent comment was a dumb one no matter when she said it. I'm sure Patrick can provide a long list of links to Ted Nugent's "hunting" skills.

    So, in answer to some of your final question, and being a female hunter who doesn't mind being head to toe in dirt and filth... but would rather not be, yes, I do believe she has hunted before. I don't think it's been a LONG time (probably since her early 20's) when she went to 419 colleges (or something like that) but I do believe she has.

    Would I go hunting with Sarah Palin? Absolutely. If my only choices were Palin or Cheney. Cheney's already proven he has the moral ability to take the shot (or is a bad enough shot) and the political clout to get it about as much press as a racy email scandal.

    Also doesn't seem it would too hard to unload her gun without her noticing since it seems she doesn't pick it up unless she's taking a shot and she CERTAINLY doesn't check the chamber. ;O)

    Frankly, I find the show to be fascinating in that I-can't-look-away kinda way. She looks like an IDIOT through the whole thing, her kids don't respect her, her husband barely talks to her, it looks more like a slightly uncomfortable working scenario than it does like a family at times. Sometimes I feel like she's channeling Oprah, sometimes Rachel Ray, sometimes a cross between Barney Fife and Mike Rowe.

    Everything in the day is about her, the house is about her, the activities are always really about her - like oh, we came out here for Piper's birthday because this was my Grandfather's favourite place and I just wanted to an opportunity to spend some up here...

    The more I watch the more I feel worse for the children, and the less hate I feel for Sarah Palin. She's turned herself into a laughing stock. Gawd I hope she wins the republican primary in 2012.... if there really IS a Santa Claus....



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