Friday, November 12, 2010

Tea Party Dog Care

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Big Red Dogs
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRally to Restore Sanity

Remember, giving puppies adequate food and adequate water and adequate space is "exhorbitant care" (see the video!).

This is stuff I could NOT Make up!

It's "the same as Obama Care." It's "One more step to making us a communist and socialist society."

Watch the whole thing, and you will never drink tea again!


  1. Yup, it's another instance of that BADGER trying to turn us all Commie. Or Socialist. Or...something else really bad I haven't been programmed to say yet. Notice the first part of his name is BAD(ger).

    Seahorse ;)

  2. I literally spit ice tea out of my nose when I watched this episode.

    There are some valid arguments to be made against restricting breeders (thin, but valid) - but to argue that it's ridiculous to require breeders to provide adequate food, water and shelter? How dare they!

    My favourite was where she said something about stacking, to the lines of "people stack people all the time, it's called hotel rooms!". Jon replied, "ok, but in most hotel rooms the people above you don't piss and shit on your head."

    I think we have to be very careful with bills that involve mandatory anything when it comes to dogs - but mandatory food, water and shelter? Really? This is what you're big anti-platform is coming out against?

    Gonna have to better than that, even to trick republicans.

  3. I remember as a teenager a friend of mines Mom raised Yorkies for sale in her garage and I thought that was disgusting.
    The poor little guys stunk because of their poop and pee on the concrete floor. She spread papers at one end of their pen but they pooped all over.
    I don't know how often she cleaned their pen but every time we were in close proximity of that garage we could smell it.
    I can't even imagine what a puppie mill would be like, even the "good" ones.
    I'm not sure what the former post was getting at but regulating humane treatment of any animal is not going that far in my view.
    Liberty comes with responsibility.


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