Saturday, March 06, 2010

Yes, But Is It Art?

70 Million by Hold Your Horses ! from L'Ogre on Vimeo.

This is a band called Hold Your Horses playing a song called "70 Million". Yes, the video may be bit better than the song, but the video is very, very good.


  1. This is an art history quiz, no fair! I got them but I doubt my kids could. (Aside, I'll bet there is probably some historical accuracy in the video that the artists left out of their works.)

  2. What? No Oskar Kokoshka? Even "Harriet the Spy" included Oskar....

    p.s. Klimt is no better in a video.

  3. VERY good work! After seeing pieces like that I'm surprised Vimeo gives me any bandwidth at all!

    Seahorse :)


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