A Pileated Woodpecker calls while excavating a nest hole near Creston, B.C. The Pileated Woodpecker is the largest woodpecker in North America, with a wingspan of almost 3 feet. The woodpecker in the video is a male -- you can tell by the red stripe on the side his face (i.e. the "malar" region) and by the fact that the very front of his forehead and crest is red. In females, these regions are black.
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Sunday, March 28, 2010
The Call of the Pileated Woodepecker
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- The Management
I hear this call frequently, but never knew what kind of bird it was, thanks! I see the Pileateds rarely, and the smaller wood peckers all the time. The big guys must be more shy, or perhaps favor the forest canopy more than snacking in plain view. Now I have something ELSE to look up!
I have only seen them a handful of times, and have been lucky enough to see them on our property. It's always a thrill, that is one big woodpecker!