Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Vaccines 101

Veterinarian James L. Busby tells you via YouTube what I have said on this blog.

For what I have said (with footnotes to sources), see >> The Billion Dollar Vaccine Scam.

1 comment:

  1. I might have to order this book, and looking through some of the similar titles Amazon suggests, it's intriguing just how much is out there now about money-making practices like this. I guess the key is to piece through the reviews and see which ones seem to have the best content. One reviewer noted on Busby's book that he still advocates rubbing a dog's nose in it's mess...well, if that is indeed the truth, it's something I'm willing to overlook in light of the otherwise enlightening content about unethical veterinary sevices. I might just have to order this on my next payday.


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