Saturday, February 20, 2010

More Soft Core Doggy Porn?

It seems Hollywood is cranking out more soft-core doggy porn.

The story is simple. Sadie, the most beautiful yellow lab in the whole wide world, lives an idyllic, pampered life in the suburbs. One day, she comes into heat and has no idea what to do with her new found feelings and urges. When she learns that her loving owners are about to have her spayed, she runs away to the big city where her erotic adventures begin.

What? No rape racks?

Come on folks, this is the year 2010.

Surely the American Kennel Club and the National Animal Interest Alliance can crank out something a little more hard-core for the home video market?

It is also too bad that "The Adventures of Sadie" title has already been used. Some nice word play to be had there!


1 comment:

  1. the blue pants, the braces(suspenders) and whatever is in that bottle with the blue lid? really strange photo.


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