Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Good Lord! More Snow to Come!

The National Weather Service has issued a winter storm warning that says we’re looking at another 10 to 20 inches of snow beginning today at noon.


My daughter's car before the dig out.


  1. I think I'm in a minority when I celebrate big snowstorms like this...all I ever hear is whining and complaining and WAH-WAH-WAH about how everyone is ready for spring.

    BRING ON MORE WINTER and LEAVE THE DAMN ROADS ALONE! It would do everyone a Bit O Good to take a day or two off and play in it, let the dogs run in it, build a snowman, go skiing/sledding/snowshoeing/etc.

  2. I wish I could feel so carefree, and good on you for being so, but I'm trying to keep a 20 stall horse barn and indoor riding arena from collapsing under the snow load, so it's all Bitchfest 2010 from me. And the 60 MPH blizzard conditions were ever-so-refreshing, too! Sorry, I just wish that I was merely bored, like a lot of the whiners you've probably been encountering...

    Seahorse, hoping to cheer up soon! ;) OMG, my word verification: coper! I hope I am! Maybe next it will read: richer!

  3. When they stop plows and bulldozers for snow safety, you know the world has come off the hinge. Hope your roof holds and the horses stay safe and warm. You too!


  4. Structural damage and the possibility of impending disaster is not a reason to "whine" per se, Seahorse...that's a valid reason to be quite concerned about something like this!

    Valid reasons are something to heed! I hope everything is OK for you and your faithful charges.

    In all honesty, it's probably just the joys of youth, and when I get older and actually own real things, like real estate, and have a real life in the real world, I might form some opinions similar to your own. :p

  5. Viatecio, you're a true sport. :) Enjoy your "freedom" while you have it. Ownership, as you've already figured out, is a double-edged sword, at the very least.

    Patrick, so far we're holding, thanks for the concern. I think we're contemporaries in age and time in-area, and this is the first time I've ever seen the news here warning of building collapses. My husband and I have always had to worry having such a large clear-span building, but before this most people looked at our concerns as if we were alarmists. It's a full-time job maintaining right now, but a little internet mental health break now and again really helps. Thanks for your blog as education and diversion!



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