Friday, February 19, 2010

The Color of Work

"A good terrier, like a good horse, cannot be of a bad colour."

- Alys F. Serrell - With Hound and Terrier in the Field, 1904


  1. In my barn I currently have: Grey and white pinto, tri-colored pinto, non-painted registered Paint, palomino, black, bays (3), dark bay or brown. All great guys, and all great colors!


  2. Except, of course, when it's not the color you WANT.

    And then you become one of those crazies who dyes your dog pink or some other color.

    Then again, I've always wondered what the world had against brindle Shelties. Maybe it's too "tough" of a color for herding breeds, considering that it's seen more in beefy Boxers, Danes and bulldogs? :P


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