Saturday, December 24, 2016

What I Do Not Want for Christmas

I do not want this book for Christmas.


  1. I had a relative who used to weave with dog hair. She'd collect the hair from various friends' dogs, then when you were propped up against one of her cushions, she'd tell you which dog provided the hair!

  2. I was at a wool/fiber festival type deal a couple of months ago and this particular booth had a bunch of roving. They also had a bag of roving with the title of "poodle" on it. I could smell it from several feet away, and it did indeedy smell like dog. I'm sorry but I have enough dog hair on my clothes without MAKING clothes out of dog hair. Ick.

  3. I knew a man who knitted in a very exploratory way and tried almost every kind of fibre. He had a rather attractive muffler from collie hair and also a fine intricately-knit Samoyed sweater. The Indians of the NW once kept a wooly breed of dog just for their fur and made the precursors of those big heavy sweater/jackets of sheep fur. When the wooly dogs came into heat, they were stranded on islands together so that the pups would be wooly. The only kind of breeding intervention I've known that pre-contact Indians practiced.

    Prairie Mary

  4. I can guarantee sheep are dirtier and stinkier than dogs, having assisted some shearers. Rare to get maggots, puss and balls of crap on dogs hair.

    I guess the word dirty is stuck in peoples image of a dog.

    Sheep are clean like clouds with legs.

    Ah the romance.

    Then there is the cartoon dog syndrome too.

    Still looks like a crappy book lol.

  5. Yes, anyone who thinks dogs smell worse than sheep doesn't know many sheep and only some really uncared-for dogs.


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