Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Uncle Sam Needs a Sled Dog Musher

Sled dogs with Denali in background.

From the Anchorage Daily News:

In the world of dog mushing, there aren't many jobs with a steady paycheck. Professional mushers live off the bounty of their race earnings, dog breeding skills and marketing savvy.

And within a federal government that employs 19.7 million people, there is one -- exactly one -- dog mushing job.

And it's open.

The National Park Service is looking for a new kennels manager at Denali National Park and Preserve, a job that in addition to running Denali's 31-animal dog kennel includes mushing into one of America's great swaths of wilderness.

And the pay range of $33,477 to $66,542 -- plus a healthy 25 percent cost of living adjustment -- is more than what many mushers earn in a race season.

Read the rest here.

1 comment:

  1. I'd nominate Sarah the Quitter, but seriously, the dogs deserve better and so do the tax-payers.


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