Friday, November 06, 2009

Key Ring Survival Tools

A small idea and a useful tool.

  • The small idea is to order an extra dog tag, and to slip the extra tag on to your key ring. That way, when you lose your keys (and we will all lose them some day) they can be returned to you. Most people are honest and will go to real lengths to return lost keys. If you are a paranoid, you can put only your email address on the tag; that way when someone finds your keys, can can be sure they will not rob your home or steal your car. Since I do not have such fears, my address, phone number, and web address are engraved right on the tag.

  • The useful tool is the small item at top that looks like a key. It's actually a small knife blade, coupled to a small Phillips-head screw driver, a serrated edge (for cutting cord or rope) two small flat-edge screw drivers, and a bottle-opener. The Swiss+Tech "Utili-Key" is not the right tool to skin a Grizzly Bear, but it it's useful to open boxes, cut tape, clean your nails, and tighten a loose screw. The ingenious closing mechanism clasps tight on to your key ring, never falls off, and is easily released in less than a second or two. And yes, this small knife blade easily passes through airport, court house and office security. And why not? This little item is harmless as a weapon, but still useful as a tool.

  • Final tip: Christmas is only six weeks away. Order both items for family and friends. Everyone needs this survival kit, and very few actually have it!

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