Monday, November 09, 2009

Deer v. Lion at National Zoo in D.C.

A wild deer from Rock Creek Park jumped into the lion exhibit at the National Zoo on Sunday afternoon.

One word: maladaptive.

A female lion went after the deer, mashed it to the ground, and then let it go. The deer dived into the moat and got got away. Zoo officials cleared visitors from the area and rescued the deer, but its injuries were too serious and it was euthanized.


  1. A few year ago, a deer jumped intothe polar bear exhibit at the Pittsburgh Zoo:

  2. Lion or Polar bear? Hmmmm.. I'm thinking that if I'm a deer, I'm jumping into the prairie dog enclosure!


  3. We love us some apex predators, but we prefer to pretend they are vegans.

  4. Did they feed the deer to the lions afterward? =P

  5. Probably not, unless they dispatched it with a captive bolt gun or .22 short. Veterinary drugs contaminate meat for feed.



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