Friday, November 13, 2009

Coffee and Provocation

Jack Russell chasing its own tail. Not the dog for everyone.

  1. This retro Enfield motorcycle looks awesome, gets 75 miles to the gallon, is affordable, and may be how I get to work next year. Plus it's the right engine size. I think I might save enough on gas alone to justify the expense. Hmmmm.

  2. Thanks to $25 million in recovery money, America's poorest city now has hippos.

  3. Every Friday, I get "house porn" in the mail. You can too by signing up for this free e-newsletter.

  4. Right up there with "that "Tiger went Tiger" and "that Pit Bull went Pit Bull" is "that Chimpanzee went Chimpanzee." The last link is very graphic and sad. The first link is very funny.

  5. In my continuing study of evolution, I take a short side-tour to look at the evolution of "Jesus Fish." Be sure to check out all the links!

  6. "Hung like a gorilla" is not a compliment and hung like a duck is, but if you claim to be hung like a barnicle, you are just a damn liar.

  7. I coined the term for it: a "vulgarity of starlings". Here's what that looks like when it's 300,000 birds deep.

  8. Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty's political career ended when he gut-shot a deer and left it to die slowly in the woods. The buck stops where?

  9. Michigan has cougar in the Upper Peninsula. Confirmed by good trail cam pictures.

  10. Levi-Strauss has died. I sure will miss his jeans.

Your Moment of Zen:

Watch the whole thing.


  1. It's very cool to hear about the Yooper cougar. This is one species that is gradually making a comeback. Before European colonization, this was the most widespread Carnivore in the Americas.

    As for Camden getting hippos, I know where someone could get some of Africa's most dangerous animals for a really good deal.

    Pablo Escobar kept a herd of hippos on his estate, and after he met his fate, the hippos have taken over. No zoo wants them because they are very wild and very aggressive.

    There are over 20 of them.

    And you thought we had a problem with introduced Burmese pythons.

  2. Whoa, der, that's a LOT of provocation for one morning! I read, I looked stuff up, I learned. Oh, and the term "duck dongs" made me laugh, too!

    Seahorse ---> word verification sounds sort of equine: cavaldly!


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