Monday, October 19, 2009

Parahawking in Nepal :: As Cool as It Gets

Parahawking involves skydiving while specially-trained birds of prey swarm around you, including vultures, eagles, and falcons. Parahawking is available in Nepal courtesy of a bird rescue group called Himalayan Raptor Rescue.

"Our birds need to be rewarded for guiding us into the thermals. During the flight the passenger will place small morsels of meat onto his gloved hand, the birds will come and gently land on the hand to take the food, and then gracefully fly away to find the next thermal. A perfect symbiotic relationship."

Right. And if you are going, for God's sake take me with you!


  1. WOWWWWW! That is WAY past far out! I had to call my hubby in to watch, too. Thanks for posting this.


  2. Iwantago, Iwantago, Iwantago!!!!


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