Friday, October 09, 2009

Once Again I Was Nominated But Did Not Win

Once again, I was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Peace, the Nobel Prize for Literature, and the Nobel Prize in Science, and lesser people won.

The bastards.

Obama's already got two Grammies, and I am still being stiff-armed by a group of know-nothings freaks who refuse to recognize my talents and contributions.

Yes it hurts, but I suppose it's nice to be nominated so often -- 20 years in a row, so far. Wow. How time flies when you wait for the Norwegians ....

Thanks to all those who wrote expressing their condolences. I still hold out some hope for the Oscars and the Pritzker Prize for architecture. Fingers crossed!

In the meantime add my name list to the list of people who are pissed off that they too were nominated, but not chosen:

  • Rush Limbaugh
  • Osama Bin Laden
  • Ann Coulter
  • North Korean leader Kim Jong-il
  • Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
  • Bill O' Reilly
  • The Taliban
  • George W. Bush
  • Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez
  • Michael Steele

Breaking News!
It turns out Obama only got the nod after he made yesterday Leif Erikson day! This is clearly a case of naked public corruption. Someone call Orly Taitz.

6 pm Update!
4Rush Limbaugh says "We all agree with the Taliban and Iran that he doesn't deserve the award."
4Obama says he is giving the $1.4 million award to charity.
4 San Francisco Chronicle asks: "Is 'Bash America' becoming the brand of the GOP?"

1 comment:

  1. Bummer, Terrierman, foiled again! But, you can do some hatin' on Sarah Palin's Facebook page, you betcha. They're hard at it over there, and you're pretty much channeling their thoughts anyway, so join in the barkin'!

    Seahorse ;)


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