Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Fascism Is Not the Answer to Terrorism

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Its time to close Gitmo, the Guantanamo Bay detention camp.

We can beat terrorists without becoming fascists.

In fact, we must beat terrorists without becoming fascists.

Let us be clear about what Al Queda is. This is a group of numbskulls and thugs who currently live in caves and mud huts in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Sudan.

We are not fighting Lex Luthor. These people did not attack us with atomic bombs -- they attacked us with box cutters and they simply got lucky because we were too trusting and too naive.

That will never happen again.

To be clear here, we are fighting people who have less firepower than can be found at the local Sports Authority.

And yet, according to some, we are supposed to give up habeus corpus -- the right to be relieved of unlawful detention without charge -- based on some irrational fear of mud-hut dwellers?

Gimme a break!

Let me point out that the Bush Administration's invasion of Iraq has resulted in more unnecessary American deaths than the 9-11 bombers.

Smoking, booze, and golf killed more people in America last year than terrorists.

So did backyard swimming pools, angry spouses, and the local police.

Yes, let's chase terrorists to the ends of the earth.

But we do not need to shred habeus corpus to do that, do we? No, I think not.

America is not yet that weak ... or that threatened.

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