Over on Dog World, Steven Seymour is a breath of fresh air. He writes:
Just in case those at the Kennel Club have forgotten, let me remind them of a few valid points.
Who is it who has total control and operates a monopoly over the registration of pure bred dogs in the UK?
Who, by its own admission – even though it was a faint and weak admission – knew there were many health issues, yet sat back and chose to ignore them until they were revealed to the nation by Pedigree Dogs Exposed?
Who, to date, has not even implemented the most simple of reforms such as proper identification through microchips or tattoos, let alone any step towards proper health checks?
Who has relied on those lovely words ‘self regulation’ and that other cliché ‘working quietly behind the scenes’, both of which mean ‘do nothing’? Then, when pushed into a corner, who doesn’t admit to its problem, but rather strikes out like an angry child? ....
.... Not once during the past few years have we heard from the KC the slightest admission of being responsible for anything. Each and every issue has been the result of the breed and the clubs rather than a result of its own actions.
Just imagine trying to operate a business and when anything went wrong you blamed the customer, it would not take long until you were out of business; that is unless you had a complete monopoly. Governments today do everything in their power to stop such practices and you can clearly see why.
Read the whole thing!
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