Saturday, September 05, 2009

Is Anyone Else Having a Problem with Blogger?

My posts seem to be appearing before I have finished writing them. Yes, I am truly multitasking most of the time (dogs, cooking, phone, coffee, errands, etc.), but I do not do drugs or drink and I do not think I am hitting the "publish post" button accidentally

Anyone else have this problem in the last day or two?

Also, my computer is freezing up and I am having to reboot more often -- something I have been blaming on the newest version of Explorer.

Am I alone here too??


  1. I did notice at one point you had a blank blog, but didn't think anything of it at the time. Not seen anything like it since, though.

    As for the freezing thing, it could be that, I've heard a lot of complaints about Explorer 8 and some sites (of course now I can't remember which ones) outright say that they don't work with it and recommend either downgrading or going to a different browser until the issues are fixed. Have you done a scan to make sure you have no viruses or anything? (Must...resist recommending...different OS and browser...)

    Slightly humorous story: in order to write my final paper in English class, I had to use the school Macs with Word 2007. I haven't used Macs for 6 years since working on G4s, and have never used Word 07 except to print off papers in the lab. So basically, my blood pressure was through the roof because I was so frustrated with the program and OS, and when we go in to write the final drafts on Tuesday, I'm bringing my Ubuntu laptop with OpenOffice.

  2. I haven't been having that problem, but my posts are not as long as yours so maybe I just haven't noticed.

  3. the video clips are sometimes missing, I thought it was my modem and wireless set up that needed a "60 second tune up"

  4. IE8 causes a lot of issues... Get a MacBook. :-)

  5. I've not had a problem with blogger, but I think I commented on your Eggonomics post before it was ready for publication. It's different now.

  6. Anonymous12:01 PM

    My problems are that sometimes it doesn't recognize my "open ID" from wordpress-- even if I'm signed in.

    I do have my own blogger account, but because I use open ID to comment on this blog (and don't want to make it confusing), I'll stick with it.

  7. When I opended a Blogger site, I switched to Chrome browser... since they are both Google operated, they work well together and haven't had any issues... plus it runs a little faster than Explorer...

  8. Trying Chrome. It IS faster!



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