Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Growling Old Men :: Madison Brown

Growling Old Men were on Prairie Home Companion as I was returning home from hunting on Sunday, and this tune was just about perfect.

For those who might be slightly confused, the Madison is a river in Montana and Wyoming. The "Brown" here is a reference to Brown trout, which is a non-native species widely found all over the American West and East where the water is cold enough for it to survive.

Growling Old Men (or some pemutation of the musicians in it) have two complete fishing CDs called (appropriately enough) Fishing Music I and II.

And who followed Growling Old Men? None other than Wylie Gustafson. Fun music.

You can get Wylie's stuff here; he's a genuine horse and cattle man, and a cutting horse expert who does it bridleless on his horse, Whiskey.

Nice, nice, nice.

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