Monday, September 28, 2009

Fresh Food Porn With Camera Phone

A little fresh food porn taken at Whole Foods with my camera phone.


  1. what kind of phone do you have? those are nice clear photos for a camera phone.

  2. Anonymous8:19 PM

    I thought you'd be boycotting Whole Foods.

  3. The phone is a Sprint Instinct -- an amazing phone for the price and I have had nothing but good service. It has TV, GPS with turn by turn directions, news, email, text messaging, Internet, MOPw3 player, still camera, video camera, etc. Everything unlimited for $40 per person in the house (four phone among 4 people).

    As for Whole Foods, I don't shop there, but the wife does a little. I was actually waiting for the family to show up at a restaurant up the street and they were waaaaay late ;)


  4. I'm impressed not only with the camera phone but your photography skills aren't bad either!



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