Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fox and Raccoon in the Yard Last Night



  1. Your fox looks very healthy. We have one in our neighborhood who is kind of scraggly.

  2. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I had one up on you. We had a coyote in our driveway last night.

    We have them stand right in front of the front door and howl. The first time this happened was a little disconcerting.

  3. Wait a minute - You have terriers and fox still come around? LOL!
    What kind of camera do you have set-up? Nice photos - thanks for sharing them.

  4. Fox never worry much about dogs, and in my yard they have very little worry as the dogs are in the back and I feed the fox (when I do) in the front. In any case, the fox only come out at night when the dogs are asleep in their crates in the laundry room. The camera is a
    Moultrie game camera I got from White Wing. See >>



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