Wednesday, August 19, 2009

High Hopes for Ronnie Irving

Ronnie Irving, the head of the Kennel Club in the U.K. is a Border Terrier man. It is a small thing, but sometimes small things mean a lot, and so in the recent kerfuffle with The Kennel Club over Pedigree Dogs Exposed, I have always given him the benefit of the doubt and challenged him to rise to the occasion as I did in this post entitled: Will Ronnie Irving Lead or Be Pulled Screaming?

So why am I still a bit hopeful for leadership?

Well, for one thing, it appears that earlier this year Mr. Irving told a foreign Kennel Club (I will not name the Club) that he appreciates their input on a particular matter, but that he was not saluting their suggestion that he continue to ignore a particular ethical matter dealing with a particular breed (I will not name the breed).

What? Backbone? That is a very good sign.

Then, this morning, once of my friends in the U.K. sent me this little missive from Dog World, in which Ronnie Irving says people involved in the Pekingese breed club need to think a little more about the dogs rather than their personal animosities with each other.

What? Think about the dogs? Yes!

Mr. Irving then goes on to say, according to Dog World, that the KC’s decision last year to ‘unilaterally impose’ a new breed Standard for the Pekingese had been taken after ‘many years of effort to get Pekingese people to agree what was required’.

Well OK. If that's the way they want the story told, I will certainly salute that story, provided they get the whole thing done.

If Kennel Club rules, regulations, standards and policies are changed and the dog's health is improved as a consequence, then the Kennel Club can write any history it wants, and I will swear on a stack of Bibles that it is exactly how it all played out.

Dogs first? Brilliant!

Health first? Brilliant!

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