Sunday, August 30, 2009

Coffee and Provocation

  • The U.S. Fish and Wildife Service Makes My Head Explode:
    The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has come up with an online "game" called Neighborhood Explorer, which is supposed to get kids to spend more time outside. The mind reels. And to make it worse, the game is ugly, long-winded, paternalistic, and boring. Nice!

  • Why Does This Never Happen to Me?
    When Terrierman dreams, he dreams of going out digging on the dogs only to discover a forgotton Viking hord of silver. I will be digging on a Civil War battlefield today. I will find nothing of cash value.

  • Knitting With Dog Hair:
    Better a Sweater From a Dog You Know and Love Than From A Sheep You'll Never Meet

  • Wing Nuttery:
    The black helicopter people have their own canine correspondent who thinks chaining out dogs is good, that Jesus will save you and your dogs from tyranny, and that people should be allowed to treat their dogs as inhumanely as they want (more here). The good news for people who also believe this: common sense pagans have created Eternal Earth-Bound Pets so that paranoid black helicopter end-timers can be assured that when they ascend to heaven for The Rapture their dogs and cats will be taken care of here on earth. Yes, a small fee is involved, but isn't it worth it for the peace of mind?

  • Coal People Are Really Ugly:
    According to Appalachian Voices, the Faces of Coal web site, which purports to show "real people" who depend on the coal industry, is actually populated by pictures pulled from a stock photo web site. None of these people have anything to do with the coal industry, which suggests that either: a) West Virginia mining families are not beautiful, or; b) this coal industry front group hired a really lazy PR company, or; c) all of the above.

  • Anthony Bourdain Goes to Montana:
    Anthony Bourdain goes to Livingston, Montana to hang out with Russell Chatham, Jim Harrison, and the folks at local ranches, diners and fly shops, from backcountry guides to chefs who serve antelope heart. The show cannot be reduced -- it has to be savored whole. See video 1, 2. 3, 4 and 5. Hat tip to Tom Chandler at The Trout Underground Fly Fishing Blog for pointing to this.


  1. Anonymous7:48 AM

    In West Virginia, nuclear power is illegal and "alternative energy" is coal that has been turned into liquids. Nuclear power can't exist, but destroy enough mountains so that it looks like a nuclear bomb went off. Nuclear power has issues-- like where to store the waste, but the French seem to get by rather nicely with it.

    The Sierra Club refused to endorse our "Democratic" governor because he wouldn't stand up for real alternative energy and continued to support valley fills.

    You must remember that West Virginia is run as a feudal state for the coal interests. That's one reason why our schools are so crappy, why our lives are shorter than the average America, and why some small towns in WV wind up with flooded streets.

    I think everyone should have a look at the Buffalo Creek disaster, just to see how the coal companies treat the average person in this state:

  2. Just when you think it can't get stupider.... well, I missed this news piece last Christmas but it's just as hilarious now. Listen to Frosty the Coalman (yep, it's for real!):

    Here's the story:

  3. Too bad about missing out on the Viking lottery, But Montana. What a dream.


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