Friday, July 17, 2009

Old, Sick, and In the Way

Here's an idea from Jonathan Oberlander, writing at The New Republic: How about if everyone in Congress who is opposed to a public health care option give up their Government paid health insurance plan and try to find insurance on their own, and without any mention that they are a Member of Congress?

Anyone out there think John McCain could get health insurance at any price?

Anyone want to hazard a guess as to how many Members of Congress would flunk the STD test?

Anyone want to take a guess as to how many people would be completely without coverage due to advanced age, or a "pre-existing condition"?


  1. When they first started playing around with health insurance plans, I said we should ask our Congressional leaders for the same plan they have.

  2. I'm currently applying for a private plan so I can stay in school (it's vet tech, so we're required to have it and the insurance with the school is horrible). As I was going down the checklist of "What medical conditions have you had or currently have?", I kept wishing they'd just take out the sugar and rephrase the question as "What excuses can we use to charge you more or deny you altogether?"

    HTTrainer, I'd rather us not have their plan so much as they get to walk in our shoes. They need to see what it's like living as a plebian.


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