Friday, February 20, 2009

Coffee and Provocation

Hounds to Locate Rare Tigers:The Jakarta Globe reports that the Working Dogs for Conservation Foundation (always in the blog roll) will be using dogs to try to locate the last remaining tigers in Cambodia. Camera traps and field surveys have not turned up any evidence of tigers since 2007, and so dogs trained in Russia to find Siberian tigers are being brought in. Hat tip to Buck Denton over at The Conservation Report for this one.

The Power of a One-Line Story:In college, we had contests to see who could write the best one-line short story in the style of a chosen author such as Hemmingway, Faulkner, or Steinbeck. I recounted that small bit information to a friend last week, and he sent me to this site. Beautiful! Click on it and piss yourself laughing.

Jack Russells With Guns:
J.R Absher over at The Outdoor Press Room reports that: "The defense attorney for a Lakewood, Colo. man on trial for aggravated animal cruelty, reckless endangerment and prohibited use of a weapon while drunk is contending that his client, Ryan Hayes, was trying to take a .357 handgun away from his neighbor's Jack Russell terrier, Patches, when the gun discharged, killing the dog." The Denver Post and The Denver Channel have the full story.

American Field's Dog Blog:Here's a a new blog (at least to me) called Strideaway. Check it out. Beautifully done. It's going into the blog roll.

Volunteers of America:
Chas Clifton over at Southern Rockies Nature Blog has joined his local Volunteer Fire Department. Hat's off to that idea, and may I recommend Michael Perry's book Population 485 which is about his work as a small-town VFF? Perry is a wonderful writer, and as funny-smart as they come.

Maybe Just One or None?Sean O. sends this link from the BBC which asks: Is it selfish to have more than two children? My answer is YES, and I went out and did two things about it: got a vasectomy and adopted two children. You can too. Whether you are a hunter who wants to show a commitment to wild places and wildlife, or whether you are a chest-thumping vegan who really wants to show you are committed to living lightly on this earth and doing no harm to animals, think about suiting up and showing up for permanent family planning.

How About We Talk About Pedophile Priests Instead?
Right to Life Catholics (i.e. anti-choice, pro-forced-pregnancy Catholics who do not believe in the U.S. Constitutional separation between Church and State) cannot seem to find any real legislation to oppose, so they have invented legislation and created a whole direct mail campaign around a contrived controversy. Unbelievable. Time magazine has the story.

Terrier Up a Tree:
Ian sends this link from the BBC which shows a puddin' Jack Russell Terrier that thinks it is part squirrel and can climb trees like a cat. Incredible! Of course, my own Pearl is no slouch when it comes to "catching air" either!

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