Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Pure Breeding Through Inbreeding Is Good Breeding

These guys clearly believe in pure breeding through inbreeding. Don't recognize them? These intelligent-looking fellows, along with two other members of the Aryan Nations, were arrested yesterday with two rifles with high-powered scopes, a bulletproof vest, wigs, walki-talkies, fake ID's, ski masks and methamphetamine.

They said they were in the Denver area and intended to assassinate Barack Obama on Thursday when he accepted the Democratic nomination in an open-air stadium.

One of the Aryan Nations members had a last name of Adolph (apparently his real name), and he jumped from a sixth floor window trying to escape the U.S. Secret Service. He was wearing a swastika-emblazoned ring when he was captured with a broken ankle.

For the Aryan Nations, coat color is very important, which is not too surprising. After all, the man that gave us the dog whistle is also the fellow that gave us the theory of eugenics, which serves today as the foundation rock upon which both the Aryan Nations and the Kennel Club's closed-registry breeding system are built.

Just look at these guys -- don't they look as fit as show ring German Shepherd and as robust as a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel?

No cross-breeding or race-mixing going on here!

Oh, and as for Barack Obama, have no worries: the police decided there was no real threat. Four Nazis with with two rifles, high-powered scopes, a bulletproof vest, wigs, walki-talkies, fake ID's, ski masks and methamphetamine might be nothing more than good old-fahioned cross-dressing deer hunters.

No worries. Carry on!


  1. They both sort of look like characters Matt Groening would come up with for The Simpsons ;-)

  2. Anonymous9:21 PM

    "you sure got a purty mouth..."


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