Tuesday, August 05, 2008

John McCain: Just Another Uppity Honky

Anyone else find this McCain ad just a little ironic? Talk about presumptious! Who does he think he is, the Messiah?

"And then, with my magical fairy dust, and right after bringing peace to the Middle East, I'm going to cure cancer..."

Vote John McCain: He's pretty sure you're retarded.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Have you ever noticed that he needs to read off of cards everywhere he goes? Even at events that don't require a formal speech. Does this guy have an original thought or does everything have to be written down for him. It makes you wonder ...

    Oh yeah, and he talks about Obama being presumptuous lol. And didn't he have an ad that said President John McCain if I recall correctly. Really, who is the one putting the cart before the horse. Some "maverick" lol.

    And to think I was going to vote for this "maverick" in 2000. What was I thinking!


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