Wednesday, August 06, 2008

The Paris Hilton - John McCain Debate

Link to video

As Seth Grahame-Smith

Love her or hate her, you've gotta hand it to Paris Hilton...

She just made John McCain her bitch.

In less than two minutes, she accomplished not one -- but FIVE things McCain himself has been unable to do in two years of campaigning:

  1. Come off as intelligent and self-effacing.
  2. Present a well-reasoned energy policy.
  3. Generate excitement on the Internet.
  4. Win over a new block of supporters.
  5. Say the word "Hilton" without the preface "Hanoi."

And, of course, it's all true.

Paris Hilton does sound like she has a better grasp on reality than John McCain who seems to be increasingly unsure of who he is, where he is, who we are fighting.

John McCain does not seem to know what countries still exist in the world, where those countries are located, and what his policy position is on anything, from veterans affairs to Social Security.

He is a man lost at sea and without a star to steer by.

The elephant in the living room is no longer the Republican party -- it's Alzheimer's.

Everyone has thought about it, and for good reason.

Take yesterday, for example, when John McCain went to a motorcycle rally in Sturgis, South Dakota and suggested that his wife might participate in the Miss Buffalo Chip contest ... apparently unaware (even though he was reading the remarks off a note card!!) that said contest pretty much requires contestants to pose topless.

Oh, and there's a pickle-licking contest too. And a wet T-shirt contest.

Wonderful. How very presidential for Ms. McCain.

With crack-shot advance work like this, can you imagine how John McCain's staff will brief him for the next war? For the economy?

Paris Hilton is at least asking the right question: Is John McCain ready to lead? Or could it be (just possibly) that the "wrinkly white-haired guy" has been too long in the Congressional bucket.

When push comes to shove, this is the question now on the table: Is John McCain well-past his expiration date? Is it too late for the GOP to draft Paris Hilton?


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