Monday, June 09, 2008

Weather Blues

The weather has been a bit extreme this last week.

First up was a massive storm that blew in and tore up enough trees to leave more than 100,000 people without electrical power, including yours truly.

The good news is that I have a small generator, so we had TV and some lights in the house even if no computer, air conditioning or stove. We lost a few large limbs in the back yard which I chainsawed up this weekend. All in all, we got away cheap.

On Friday a really warm front moved in, pushing the temperature well past 93, and it has remained there for four days straight, which means no digging on the dogs. My cut off point for digging is anything over 90 degrees.

I did take Mountain walking in the 100-acre woods near the house, and we raised two deer who stood less than 30 feet away from us, secure that Mountain was on a leash and I meant them no harm.

The nearby woods are in fine condition thanks to the work of various Eagle scout projects which have left us with a deer salt lick, well-maintained trails, a small garden of native plants and flowers, and signs labeling common tree-species. All good.


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