Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Barack Obama Wins Democratic Nomination

This blog on November 20, 2007 when Barack was under 25 percent:
"I think if Obama can rip through the gossamer-thin film of "inevitability" surrounding Hillary Clinton, he will be President .... Which is not to say Barack OBama is going to have a cake walk. He's going to be Swift-boated by the folks at Fox and by the whispering campaigns of right-wing emailers who will pass on what they think are clever nigger jokes laced with suggestions that the Senator from Illinois is really a Muslim fanatic in drag.

"There's only one problem with that attack plan: Barack Obama. The more you see of this guy, the more you realize how incredibly solid he is. As time goes on, more and more people are going to pay attention, and the folks making the sniping comments about race and name are going to look smaller and smaller until at last they both reveal and embarrass themselves at the same time."

The 10 Reasons Hillary Lost:
This blog on February 13, 2008:
  1. Hillary had a list, not a message.

  2. Hillary claimed experience she did not have, and no one was buying it.

  3. Hillary let us know this election was not about us, but about her.

  4. Hillary's political math was about division not addition.

  5. Hillary told us she was infallible one time too many.

  6. Hillary dragged all her baggage on stage.

  7. Hillary could not control the dog.

  8. Hillary's word was not her bond:

  9. Hillary played the victim card once too often.

  10. Hillary wrote off a lot of America.

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