Friday, May 02, 2008

Dogs on the Road (Again)

Willie Nelson - On the road again

Willie Nelson is 75 years old today, which seems to me to be a good enough reason to load up a Willie clip. This one, however, was selected because I think it's the kind of song you might want to have playing in your vehicle if you were doing a bit of driving for a rescue train.

A rescue train? What's that? I will let John Sibley explain:

"Here's an easy way to help dogs in danger that not too many people know about - I didn't until pretty recently!

On any given weekend, there are rescue caravans taking place all across the United States where drivers are transporting dogs from immediate danger (usually kill shelters) to long term shelters, adoptive homes, or foster homes until they can be adopted. Organized by a transport coordinator, each driver takes dog(s) a fairly short distance - somewhere around 40 to 60 miles, usually - and then hands them off at a meeting place to the next driver until the dogs reach their destination.

.... Rescue transport is easy to get involved in and all you need is a working vehicle and some dog savvy!

I've found Yahoo Groups to be a great place to start! Here's where I've been looking at transport schedules:


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