Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thanks to All 386,000 Visitors We Had Last Year

According to the counter on the far right, this blog has gotten over 386,000 visitors in the last year -- a little more than 1,000 people a day. This is pretty small potatoes in the world of web sites, but I am actually pleased we have had this many visitors.

They have been an eclectic group too, coming from 186 countries ranging from the USA to the Faroe Island (no, I have no idea where that is either).

So thanks, and "y'all come back!"



  1. I just had to look that one up.

    Situated in the heart of the Gulf Stream in the North Atlantic at 62°00’N, the Faroe Islands lie northwest of Scotland and halfway between Iceland and Norway.[/quote]

  2. Anonymous2:25 AM

    Grumble... My first thought to answer you was to say that the Faroe Islands are to the west of Norway, south of Iceland that belongs to Denmark.

    But then I thought that a link to a map would be beneficial, so here you go.

    Of course I could also complain about americans and geography, but the islands really are a small speck on the map.

  3. no prob. i read your blog all the time cause i like your politics and have a sporting beddlington. Im awaiting the post when you enter your old border for one last dig.

  4. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Thank you Patrick for such an informative blog, it's daily reading for me. I can see it's a labor of love.

    Marie E.

  5. Anonymous11:17 AM

    You get a lot more visitors than I do except for the odd blip when I decide to frighten Lab owners :>)

    I love your blog - don't always agree with you but for me, that's half the fun!

    There's always something interesting to read here, you're one of my first stops every day.


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