Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Extreme Hunting

Hunting roe deer with Golden Eagles. Hat tip to Isaac Nichols at Another Falconry Blog.

To see the other end of the sport, in terms of size, check out this clip of hunting grasshoppers with an American Kestrel (aka a "sparrow hawk").


  1. Proud to say the grasshopper slayer is a friend of mine, a Marine pilot named Jonathan. A good young man.

    Jonathan has a rare talent for catching things with his hands. I've seen him nab ducks and jackrabbits myself. He would love the kids in South Florida who run down the rabbits.

  2. Holy mackerel, Pat! I'm lucky to have been to western Mongolia and spent a day with Kazakh eagle hunters -- and while they tell stories of taking wolves with their eagles, seeing these folk taking deer is still really intense.



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