Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Annie Oakley Clinton?

Well maybe not. Surprise. Or not.

Meanwhile Mike Lupica, at Hillary's hometown paper, slams one out of the park with this piece: "Battle has become a clash of class - and Hillary Clinton proves she has none."

Well, yes. Read the whole thing.

The first reputable poll shows no change in Pennsylvania, which means Hillary is still ahead, but only by 6 points, and I my guess is that her latest television ad will show her to be soooo out of touch with Pennsylvania, and so duplicitous and greasy, that Barack's numbers will begin to climb. Any of these people look like folks you see hunting or fishing or going to church in small town Pennsylvania. No? Me either.

One guy is so fat, he looks like he could not cross a field without an oxygen mask, one young black woman with bad skin hardly fits the image of Pennsylvania hunters, the older "church lady" is creepy and bitter, while the white couple look like left over lefties who knit their own sweaters, eat sprouts, and wear earth shoes. Who the hell green-lighted this mess? Somebody pull the plug on Mandy Grunwald's expense account!!
Meanwhile, Jon Stewart rips into the whole mess with a wonderful sendup (see below), but only after you read what Barack really said from someone who was there.


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