Sunday, March 30, 2008

Deben LRT Raffle to Benefit TRAPPED

The folks putting on the Cowboy Classic Terrier Trial are raffling off a Deben LRT collar and box to benefit TRAPPED ( ) The head coordinator for Trapped, but the way, is Charlene (Char) Smith who, in the small world department, bred Pearl, the dog pictured in the post immediately below.

The raffle at the Cowboy Classic Terrier Trial is set up so that folks from all over can purchase tickets, and this one is no different.

The drawing will occur at the Cowboy Classic Terrier Trials in Wyoming over Labor Day weekend this year.

Tickets are $5 each and 5 for $20. The winning ticked will be drawn August 30, 2008 after the go-to-ground and racing awards are handed out for that day. Tickets can be purchased via Paypal (make yourself an account, etc.), provided they are purchased no later than August 28.

To buy tickets via PayPal, send your money to this email >> or you can can snail mail a check or money to >> Erin Schwartzkopf, 73 Hwy 59, Douglas, Wyoming 82633.

For the record, the Deben Long Range Terrier Finders are a pretty good bit of kit in my opinion. These new collars and boxes are well made, and will locate a dog as much as 40ft away. The collar is fully waterproof, has a battery life of 350 hours and is switched on/off by a magnet in the hand held receiver - there's no reason to remove the batteries after each use. The transmitter is fitted with a top quality leather collar. The new LRT box and collar are normally sold for $300 box/collar set.

Compare and contrast:
The Deben LRT locator box/wand is at far right; the collar for the LRT is the middle one of the three shown. The other collars show are the old Deben Mark I (no longer made, but the type I still use) and the Deben Mark III (which is fine for ferrets, but cannot take the beating it gets from terrier work).

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