Wednesday, January 09, 2008

How the "Liars for Hire" Work in Election 2008

Watch the whole video, above. I promise it's worth it.

The video, above, tells some of the story behind the smear attacks on Barack Obama, but it does not tell all of the story.

What's part of the story is left out? Simple: The fact that The Washington Times, which started the smear, is owned by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon of Unification Church fame, and a lot of the pundits who work for Fox Television used to work for Reverend Moon. The Washington Times started the smear, and Fox Television put it on TV.

If you do not know who "the Moonies" are, the short story is that they are a cult who believes that a convicted felon by the name of Reverend Sun Myung Moon is actually God.

Moon and the Moonies have pumped more than a billion dollars into The Washington Times and Insight magazine, and they have also spent many hundreds of millions of dollars more forging alliances with right-wing politicians at the highest levels.

For example, do you remember when, right after President George H.W. Bush left office, he traveled to Japan where he was paid $1 million dollars to give a single speech?

Well, guess who he was giving the speech to? That's right -- the Moonies!

The GOP is up to its neck in Reverend Moon, and has been for 20 years now, as PBS's Frontline has exposed. This does not get too much play in the media, because if you are a syndicated columnist your column may appear in The Washington Times, and if you are a journalist you may have worked for the Moonies at one time or another.

For example, did you know that both George W. Bush's former press secretary Tony Snow, and Fox News' Major Garrett, both used to the work for the Moon-owned Washington Times? True! Tony Blankley, Newt Gingrich's former Press Secretary and a regular "talking head" on Fox TV is currently being paid by Reverend Moon's Washington Times. Google to read more if you are interested.

The point here is a simple one: sly right-wing email attacks like the one I posted about yesterday, do not come "from the people," but from a sophisticated, well-funded, and deeply-entenched political machine that is utterly without principles. A good chunk of that political machine is partialy fueled by cash supplied by a cult that believes a convicted felon from Korea is God.

Do most Republicans know this? No, of course not.

But don't you think they should?

4 Donate to the Obama campaign


  1. Anonymous4:04 PM

    There was a NOW pbs show on smears last week that was really eye opening. The link above has more resources.


  2. Anonymous4:15 PM

    The NOW video is under Dirty Politics 2008



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