Saturday, December 01, 2007

Huckabee: Smart, Funny, and a Contender

Yeah, yeah, I'm going to stop writing about politics and get back to dogs, but humor me a little on this one, eh?

This clip is that good.

It's Mike Huckabee being interviewed by Jon Stewart, and it's smart, wise and funny. A trifecta!

Huckabee is not a moderate Republican. He's an unwavering and unapologetic pro-lifer, and he's pro-gun. And yet, he's a real Christian too, which means he doesn't think the purpose of Government is to be an apologist for the rip-rape-and-ruin of the American people at the hands of rapacious oil company executives, cheating pharmaceutical companies, and price-gouging "homeland security" and defense contractors. He thinks Government is supposed to make it better for those "who are least among us."

In short, Huckabee talks as if people matter. Jon Stewart is amazed that Huckabee exists. After 8 years of the Bush Administration, this may be the first time Mr. Stewart has ever seen a true old-fashioned Christian who happens to be conservative.

Or as Mike Huckabee puts it: "I’m a conservative . . . but I’m not mad at everybody over it."

Excellent! Would I go fishing with this man? You bet!

How's he on the issues you care about? >> Check it out here


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