Monday, December 03, 2007

Camera Trap Wildlife in the Rain

It was raining yesterday, and again early this morning, but not enough to discourage a small parade of wildlife from coming to my front yard. The rain actually makes the pictures look kind of magical. I can hardly wait until it snows!

I am still having some operator error with the camera. I need to put the food back a little farther to avoid glare, and I also need to figure out how to turn off the date-time and I apparently have managed to get AM and PM confused. There is a learning curve!

I have already learned one thing with the camera trap -- blue jays like kibble dog food! This fellow was banging down a whole piece of Purina, never mind the sunflower seeds all around him. Blue Jays are very aggressive birds, but quite lovely I think.

Here's my friend, the raccoon. I have a small parade of raccoons that have come to the yard over the years, and I think they are less territorial than the fox are.

From display behavior on another photograph, I this raccoon may have met the fox at the feeder -- the clock times also suggests this was happening. The fox seems to have come, departed, and come back again, with the raccoon in the middle part of the visits.

Thanks to Chris for photoshopping the date out
of one of the fox pics, and making it clearer too!



  1. Anonymous8:49 AM

    You would think that the fox, raccoon, and squirrel would be a bit more aware that certain death lurks just behind your back door! The squirrels in my yard don't venture past 10' of any one tree trunk nowadays due to a very fast and determined JRT.

  2. These critters are not really too suicidal -- the dogs are never in the front yard, and are taken in during the night as well, so they can come and go pretty much without worry.


  3. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Great picture of the blue jay! I'm really surprised at the neat poses you are getting from the camera trap.


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