Friday, July 24, 2009

Ames Pony Shovel

In looking for a source of extra-long rivets to repair a shovel head with, I discovered that an Ames Pony shovel (from AM Leonard) can now be bought from >> see here

This is a very good American-made shovel from a company that has been making tools for longer than we have been a country.

This shovel is not cheap, but it is worth every penny.


  1. Why is it called a "pony" shovel? If it comes with a pony, I am SO getting one.

  2. Good question! No horses attached, I am afraid :(

    I think the "pony" reference is to the short-handle. Think "a pony of beer."

    Some folks call them D-handled shovels, but Ames (a very old tool company) calls them a "Pony."

    Long-handled shovels work for the first 2 feet of a dig, but once you get past 3 feet or so, you need a shorter-handled tool.


  3. Check out some of the blacksmiths out your way. They could fix that shovel in a jiff.


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