Friday, June 17, 2005

Very Far Out There (Only in America)

For those that like the truely bizarre, here's a site that is guaranteed to meet the test >>

This kind of stuff actually has its origins in Victorian times when fanciful taxidermy creatures were sometimes made, some of which ended up being displayed as real animals (such as the various "FeeJee Mermaids" exhibited at side shows).

In modern times, sport taxidermy has found a home in the American West where roadside restaurants in Wyoming and the Dakotas routinely have mounted "jack-a-lopes".

Note: no animals were purposefully killed for these creations. As the web site notes, "None of the animals used in [Sarina Brewer's] work are hunting trophies or were killed for the purpose of using them in these projects. Specimens are roadkill, discarded livestock, destroyed nuisance animals, casualties of the pet trade, or died of natural causes. A strict 'waste not, want not' policy is adhered to in the studio - virtually every part of the animal is utilized in some fashion."

And yes, she is an artist with a great deal of talent. Not everyone's cup of tea, to be sure, but the lady has skills. What a country!

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