Friday, July 01, 2011

LUA Dalmatians Join AKC!

The Dalmatian Club of America has voted, by 305 to 253, to greenlight the entry of low-uric acid (LUA) Dalmatians to the AKC, paving the way for full registration for this backcross/outcross dog.

To be clear, the problem here has always been the Dalmatian Club of America, not the AKC.

The AKC, in fact, greenlit this dog for full registration 30 YEARS AGO; it was the myopic, reaching, grasping and tunnel-visioned people in the Dalmatian Club of America -- as personified by AKC board member and Dalmatian breeder Patti Strand -- that kept the LUA Dalmatian out, and the AKC Dalmatian far less healthy than it might otherwise be.

So why did the Dalmatian Club of America fold?  Two things: 

  1. The LUA dog was already green-lit in the U.K., and it was clear that the U.S. Club was now behind the times and segregating itself into what the world would soon see as a "generic ghetto of dysfunction," and;
  2. The U.K. experience showed there was nothing to fear.  The "boogie man" of overnight market collapse for non-LUA dogs did not occur.

So it's a new day for the Dalmatian, and full accolades to those in the Dalmatian Club of America who stopped listening to the nonsense and stupidity being spouted by the old guard dinosaurs who have been driving the AKC into the abyss for more than 20 years.

There is a way forward for the AKC, and this may yet be the start of it it.  We shall see. 


HTTrainer said...


Denise said...

I had champagne after I heard the news that 55% of DCA members are in favor of registration for LUA Dals. I have another bottle on ice to be opened when the AKC announces that they will register these Dals. The AKC Board meets on the 11th & 12th.